Corgis are a type of dog. They have long bodies
with short stubby legs. They bark a lot and need
lots of exercise. their coats protect them from the
weather. A corgis undercoat is very dense, protecting
it from the cold.Most corgis have a bad habit of nipping.
The behavior is easy to stop in puppies.

Corgis are very intelligent. They learn new behaviors easily. They will remember things that most
other dogs will forget. However corgis have a tendancy to be bossy and stubborn. Corgis can be
pushy and talk back to their owner. Corgis are also low maintnence they don't need frequent haircuts.
Male corgis can weigh anywhere from 26-28 lbs. female corgis can weigh about 24-26 lbs.

Many corgis are born without tails. Uh oh! They're great watch dogs! No cat burglars will enter your home when your furry friend is around! Corgis share ancestry with huskies. They also share ancestery with vikings. You can go to to find out more!

A corgi is a great addition to any family click here to buy your very own!

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Corgi butts are a large part of the appeal of the breed. The large fluffy behind of a Corgi is a fan favorite. Apparel and memorabilia is crafted after Corgi's booties.