Ice Cream
Ice cream is an amazing food that is eaten all over the world.There are many different types of ice cream.You can get them in a variety of flavors and brands. Ice cream is usually made of sweetened milk fat, but some brands use dairy free milk, such as almond milk. Ice cream is thought to have originated in China.Later Italy was introduced to this delicious treat. They modified the Chinese version of ice cream and created the ice creams we enjoy today.
Ice Cream comes in a variety of flavors. These flavors range from Vanilla to mint Chocolate Chip. You can add any toppings to the ice cream to make it test better. These toppings can include candy, crushed cookies, and other delicious treats.
Sorbet is a type of ice cream that is made of fruit. Sorbet can be made of strawberries, pineapples, lemons, and other types of fruit. In addition to fruit, sugar is also needed to make sorbet, but it doesn't contain any milk. Sherbet is like sorbet but unlike sorbet it contains milk. Gelato is similar to ice cream. Gelato means ice cream in Italian, but unlike the traditional American ice cream gelato contains less fat and is more dense. Gelato also feels softer because it is usually served at a warmer temperature than ice cream. It also contains more milk and less cream than ice cream.
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