Welcome to Minecraft

minecraft is an enormous and expansive game built on surprizingly simple mechainics. but with a lack of totorials it can be confusing to many newcommers.

minecraft is a straight forward adventure game with monsters that lurk the night and dimetions that are waiting to be explored.

the nether dimension, (also known as hell)is a place where mobs are more hostile.

the nether can also bring some resorces that you can't get in the over-world and can come vary useful.

the End is the last dimension you go to too beat the game, but it takes a little more than just going to the end. there is a dragon you have to kill, and an egg to collect.

in the end there is an other place you can enter where you can collect more resorces

minecraft login

minecraft has a lot of complications
but it can be very fun to play with friends.