The Flower You're Not Used To

Warning: This is not a real creature that we know of, but if we found it one day that would be really cool. If you use this for a real school project that would be sick also. (p.s. this was all made by me fyi(like even the information))

What are Flowers?

Flowers are a fictional creature. All Flowers are female and there is only one Flower at a time. They are tiny pink creatures with blue eyes. They have little tubby arms and legs. They have a perma smile so their tonges hang out of their mouths. They have litte purple bellys with a orange butten for a belly butten. This butten is super rare and can only br found on a Flower. You can compare their bodies with two seprate circles with a curvy rectanlge conecting them together. Most of them have scars because they were put together by their mothers, learn more about this in "History of Flower".
Flowers are very friendly and live in a parellel universe. In said univeres they are actully only invisible to us. They have very many other strange creatures that live there, but the most important is Flower. Flowers are very friendly and they don't like to talk because people usually don't under stand them. (Larry is crushing on Flower)

The History of a Flower

No one knows where the Flower originated from, but it is believed that a dieing goddess took irriplaceble parts from her body and created the first Flower. She used things around her and created it. every Flower is different and can not be repucaded because there is only one set of parts. And even though the Flowers have the same parts they all have different personallities. Also when a mother Flower makes a new one, she runs way and dies. She will never meet her child, and her child will only know her mother from the parts they have. Most Flowers just wonder around until they know it is time for them to create another child. They just hear it in their heads and they do what it says. Flowers are magical creatures that don't know they can have magic. They figure out they have a little bit of magic when they create their children, because they have to make it come to life and when they do that they give their magic power to the child.

Fun Facts About Flowers

~ Flower is always uppercased
~ Flowers are pink
~ Realisticly Flower are the same person just in a different body, the reason they have different personalities is becasue the magic changes that part
~ Flowers like flowers
~ Who knows if Flowers exsist but if they did that would be cool
~ I don't know how I came up with all of this but I did
~ The Flower you see has scars from her put together but not all Flowers have them (hers got infected so ya but in this piture they healed)

Mel ships Flowers with weeds. (dandilions are weeds and dandilions are also Ralf so she ships Flower with Ralf)

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