What is shipping?
Shipping is the act of obsessing over two people that need to get married and have babies. This obsession can grow into an addiction and take over someone's life very easily. |
Is shipping affective?
According to Dr. Alexa Schimmelfennig head of Flower animal research studies "shipping is 96% affective" she says, that means yes as Alexa is clearly a very relaible source. |
Icebergs,Sinking, and Sailing
Icebergs- an obsturction in the way of your ship that must be removed at all costs, examples include their status being taken and parental problems. Sinking- when a ship sinks it is the end this can result in death of the shipper's heart. Sailing- this is when a ship actually works out and the shipies get together ;) |
Shipping can be a cause of death because sinking ruins lives, breaks hearts, and crushes souls with no mercy and/or exceptions.
A great example of a solid shipment is the wonderful creature that Dr. Alexa Schimmelfennig studies, aka Flower. These creatures are often shipped with weeds, my favorite is Dandelion (Ralph) x Flower. For more random information |
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