

by Elen Shpak

Airplane is powered, flixedwinged aircraft that is propelled forward by thrust from a jet engine or a propeler. Airplanes come in variety of sizes and shapes. The broad speectrum of uses for airplans includes transportation of people and goods, millitary, and research. mostly, airplanes are fllown by a pilot, but sometimes an airplane can be contrled by an autopilot which is practically an system by which you can contrle an airplane from the ground.

For centuries peolpe dreamed of flying like birds. The legend of Daedalus and Icarus is closer to the image that early humans had of flight, however. People keeped mimicing the way Daedalus and Icarus uesed the wings to fly and bet by bet through the centries humans succeed in taking of from the surface of earth. But landing is something they had to work on for a while, becuase, who goes on without a plan how to get off. In 1903, in North Carolina, Olville and Wilbur Wright figered how to do both of these things. Thay creat first airplane in history.

There are many types of airplanes. this one is used in army.

This one is used in transpoting goods.

An aircraft is build up from a number of major components: fuselag, wings, empennge, undercarriage, and one or more piston or turbine engines. Each of these components consists of hunderds sometims thousands of individual parts and all are flying in very close formation.

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