Hello, and welcome to Christian's favorite cooking webpage! If you LOVE cooking, than you have come to the right site! In this site, I will include all the info for almost everything you want!
The first part of cooking is of course, mis en place, mis en place is a kind of phrase for organization, always safe to do this before any thing else. what you do in mis en place is you get all your ingredients measuring cups, pots, pans, etc... Than after that, you need to mesure all of your ingredients and put them in some good sized bowls. Now it's time to start to cook! (If you want, you can click this link to find some good recipies from my favorite cookbook website! simple recipes on The Joy of cooking)
I have actually made some very complex stuff like a molten lava chocolate cake, and beef stew (it might not sound complex, but the one I made was hard)
If your wondering how to make some delicious chocolate chip peanut butter cookies!:)