What is Airsoft? Airsoft is a military simulation sport where players participate in fake combat with authentic military-style weapons and tactics. Unlike paintball, airsoft uses BBs made of hard plastic. The guns used are mostly full scale replicas of real world weapons. This page may be useless to anyone who plays paintball and nerf.
image from pixabay.com
There are many different airsoft events worldwide including the most famous event called milsim. Many people from different countries come to this event and usually host up to more than a thousand or more people which each of the four different classes that I will talk about next.
There are a few different classes or loadouts. There is the sniper, assault, and support. |
*The sniper's job is to hang back, support, and pick off enemies from a far distance away. They need to stay low and try not to get spotted or surrounded by enemies. |
*The assault's job is to run in and storm the buildings, complete objectives such as capture the flag, hostage, or even just breach a building to help their team push forward. They almost always stay active. |
*The support's job is to cover their teamates with heavy fire and supply ammo to other players. |