The heart is located in the left side of the chest, and is well protected by the ribcage. The average weight of a man's heart is 10 ounces, while a women's is 8 ounces.
The heart is a hard working muscle, because it has to pump blood through out the body to keep it alive. The blood given to the body by the heart carries food, oxygen, vitamins, and minerqals your body needs to move, think, grow, and repair. Not only does it give to your body, but it also takes the carbon dioxide wastes. The right side of the heart takes oxygen poor blood from the body and sends it to the lungs to get oxygen. From there the oxygen rich blood goes to the left side of the heart, where it is sent back throughout the body.
The heart has four main parts, the left ventricle, left atrium, right ventricle, and the right atrium. Some other important parts in the heart are the aorta and the septum. When the blood comes back to the heart it enters into the right atrium, then goes through a valve and into the right ventricle. From there the right ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs, where it gains oxygen. After going to the lungs, the blood goes back to the heart and into the left atrium. After returning to the left atrium, the blood passes through another valve, where it enters into the left ventricle. The left side of the heart works the hardest, because after the blood goes into the left ventricle it is pumped throughouth the whole body.