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The first book I would recomend is Breaking Sky by Cori McCarthy

This book is about a girl named Nyx who is a student at Star, a school for jr. airforce pilots. She is one of the few students who have been chosen to fly multi-million dollar jets.
She is a person who likes to break the rules and push the limits of her fellow students and teachers. She is pushing herself to be the best pilot, but all of the changes when she sees an unmarked streaker plane.
She is one of the few students at Star who are involved in the war. The first casualty of the war in one of her closest friends.

Click here to go to Goodreads page on this book. This link goes to the authors webSsite. This is the Amazon page for this book.

The next book I would recommend is Quarantine by Lex Thomas.

It was just another ordinary day at McKinley High—until a massive explosion devastated the school. When loner David Thorpe tried to help his English teacher to safety, the teacher convulsed and died right in front of him. And that was just the beginning. Click here to read the rest of the Goodreads page on this book. This is the Goodreads page on the authors of this book. This is the Amazon page for this book

Goodreads is an amazing site full of books. It is any book lovers heaven. From recomendations to what to read nexts, it has a lifetime supply of book titles to read. Click on the stack of books to go to their home page. From their you can create an account, and get your reading adventures started. And Amazon is Amazon.