Potato Paridise

How Do You Eat Them?

Potato Patato

Potatos.You can fry them stuff them bake them. You can do anything with potatos you can go through the struggle and burn yourself but it would be worth it because its heaven in your mouth. Potatos come from the spanish word patata. Potatoes are vegitables and contain a lot of carbohydrates. They are usally pollinated by insects mainly bumblebees.Potatos are the most common snack in the world. There are many diffrent types of potatos such as Russet, Yukon Gold, Kennebec, Deserie,and Fingerling.Potatos grow in 36 states across the country.The U.S its self grows over 30 billion pounds per year. Potatos are my everything are they yours? So how do you like your potatos? Heres a link to help you learn more and help with some food ideas....
