Hi my name is Jillian and if you like elephants you will like this webpage !!!! I love elephants!!!

This is my webpage on elephants. I hope you learn something new about elephants!

This will open pictures of elephants.
This will tell you some information about elephants.

This is a website about elephants! Even if you are not really intrested in elephants you might want to stay on this webpage. That way you can learn something more about elephants!

This is a picture of a elephant playing around in the dirt.

Some facts about elephants are...
-Elephants are the largest land animals in the world.
-Elephants can live up to 70 years old!
-Only one mammal can't jump-the elephant.
-Elephants have poor eyesight.
-An elephants skin is a inch thick.
-Elephants take awile to give birth. It takes about 22 months.
-Elephants can swim very well.
-And last but not least elephants are social animals they usually show their love by givng eachother hugs with their trunks.