soccer is amazing

this is a link to find a soccer ball

it is a great sport

this is a link to where I got all of my information from>

The object of soccer is to get the ball into a net and if you score the most goals your team win the game. Each team gets a person who gets to be in the goal who is the goaly. In the game you cannot use your hands unless you are the gaoly. When the ball goes out of bounds you have to do a proper throw-in are to have both feet on the ground and to throw the ball with both hands over the head.You also have to have the proper Soccer Equipment such as a Uniforms and Kit, and shin gaurds. You can also be offsideses when you are on the opponent's side of the field and you don't have either the ball or two players from the other team between you and the goal. We'll go through some examples below to help make sense of this. The types of fouls are Kicking an opponent Tripping Jumping into an opponent (like when you are going for a header) Charging into an opponent Pushing Tackling from behind Tackling an opponent and you make contact with the player prior to making contact with the ball. Holding Touching the ball with your hands (if you are not the goalkeeper). You can get a Yellow Card wich is when you do Unsportsmanlike behavior (note that this includes trying to trick the referee) Arguing with the referee Fouling a lot Delaying the game Entering or leaving the game without informing the referee. You can also get a red card when you do A serious foul Violent actions against the referee or other players Using their hands to stop a goal (when not the goalkeeper) Using bad language Receiving a second caution.The goalkeeper is a special player on the soccer field and has special rules that apply. The goalkeeper is just like any other player, except when he/she is inside the penalty box. The number one main difference is that inside the penalty box the goalkeeper can touch the ball with any part of their body, most importantly their hands. Rules for Goalies: Once in possession of the ball, they have 6 seconds to pass it to another player. They can kick or throw the ball to a teammate. Goalies can not use their hands if the ball is kicked back to them from a teammate. This also applies on a throw-in, but is much less common. Goalies must wear unique clothing different from the jerseys worn by the other players. This helps the referees to recognize the goalkeeper. Once the goalkeeper puts the ball back into play on the ground, they can't pick it up again with their hands. Fouls The goalkeeper can be very vulnerable to injury. For this reason the referees tend to call fouls much tighter when the goalkeeper is involved. When the goalkeeper has control of the ball, an opposing player may not touch it or try to kick it. If any part of the goalie is touching the ball, this is generally considered control. Penalties can be severe including a goal kick and red card for players that endanger the goalkeeper.