The impressive California kingsnakes is across the board along the West Coast of North America to altitudes bordering on 6,100 ft(1,900m) in the Tehachapi Mountains and to ranges over 7,000 ft(2,100m) in the southeastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. This species of snake lives in a wide range of habitats, including woodland chaparrel, grasslands, deserts, and even suburban areas.

The California kingsnake's species is L. getula, it's subspecies is L. g. Californiae. The California kingsnake is apart of the Colubridae family. Colubridae is a family of snakes, with 304 genera and 1,938 species. Colubridae orginated from Latin coluber, snake.

The diet of the California kingsnake consists on rodents, lizards, birds and bird eggs. Kingsnakes are also ophiophagous; that means they can and will eat other snakes. Also, did you know that this nonvenomous snake can even kill and devour other greatly venomous snakes, and it is also naturally resistant to venom of rattlesnakes but the kingsnakes aren't totally to immune to their venom.

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