the death star

the empire's power

The Death star was a secret project the sith lord, Darth Sidious, also known as senator and soon Supreme chancellor Sheev Palpatine, and his apprentice, count Dooku. They originally lied about its existence to Galactic Republic and the geonosians began construction. After the battle of Geonosis, Count Dooku took the plans to his master darth Sidious on Coruscant. The sith lod then kept it safe with him for the next four years of the clone wars. In 19 bby (before the battle of Yavin) Anakin was assigned to spy on Palpatine, an action against the Republic and the jedi code. When Anakin arrived to inform Palpatine that General Grievous was killed, Palpatine was looking over the plans for the DS1-orbital battle platform, also known as the Death Star.After Anakin was turned to the dark side, the Death Star was finished, still being a secret. Once it was finished, the Death Star was used to destroy the temple on Jedha and The Imperial data facility on Scarif. The death star's final act was destroying alderaan, before being destroyed by the rebel defence fleet and Luke skywalker.

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