see this is ninjas stats, he is one of the most populer fortnite player in the world and he playes on "pc" and he realy good,he played in a fortnite compotishon i forget wht the name of it was but he did win it and he got a golden pixac trofy

see this pic., this is one of my skins and for all of you fortnite fans you might know this skin but if you dont it is called drift was a skin in season 5 but that is over and as you can see the lines glow so it can be esay to be seen, but its still a coolskin.

this will take you to the fortnite home page and it will show you evrey ting you need to know about it

This is save the world, it is a game mode in fortnite I think it wont come out for free but im saying anything but I have it and I have a lot of weapons in it, its were you fight husks and deafend your homebase and other thing like a van.