My Kitties

The Story of My Cats

We got Avery (left) and Zoe (right) on "National Clear The Shelters Day" (August 17th). Our mom took up secretley, without the permission of my dad because she knew he wouldn't aprrove. We got our two cats and they were timid at first, but after TWO YEARS they finally warmed up to us.

Facts About Avery:

Age: 3 years old

Age When Adopted: 11 weeks

Favorite Toy: Plastic coils from Target

Likes: Toys, attention, sleep, running around the house at 2 a.m., Zoe, food, sunlight, my dads office chair, the disgusting litterbox, and being pet

Dislikes: Belly rubs, not being the center of attention, loud noises, my brother Griffin, the self-cleanign litter box that doesn't require Emma to scrap her pee and poop up, and the cold

Type of Cat: Bengal Tiger "Kitten"

Avery is my baby, meaning I picked her out at the shelter, so she is technically my kitty.

Facts About Zoe:

Age: 3 years old

Age When Adopted: 14 weeks

Favorite Toy: The birds outside

Likes: Being pet, meowing, quiet people, birds, bugs, food, sunlight, Avery

Dislikes: Being the center of attention, loud noises, most people, starvation, the cold, my sister Julia, and my brother Griffin

Type of Cat: Bicolor

Zoe is tehcnically my sister's cat, but I love her too much not to put her in this webpage as well.

Bicolors and Bengals:

More information on Bengal Tiger Kittens

More information on Bicolor Cats