Black BearsThe North American black bear is the most common type of bear on the continent, as there territory ranges to forests almost all over North America. Usually they are 300-400lbs, but some are recorded to be about 600lbs. as the name suggests, they are black in color but can range to more brownish shades. Black bears are omnivores, feasting on anything from animals to plants. Black bears go into hibernation during the winter, which is a deep sleep that the animal goes into to conserve energy and to get away from the cold and harsh conditions of winter. They eat lots of food before doing this, to survive this deep, long slumber. When they emerge, they are very hungry, which causes them to be more aggressive. |
Polar BearsPolar bears are the largest member of the bear family, and they're also the largest carnivorous creature that lives on land. They are the most endangered species of North American bear, bercause of the melting of their habitat, the tundra. On average they are 600-800lbs, but can be up to 1000lbs. Polar bears are omnivores, feasting on seals and whatever else they can find. There territory ranges from northern Alaska and Canada, and parts or Russia and other places in the Arctic circle. Unlike their smaller cousins, polar bears do not go into hibernation because their natural habitat is cold year round, so they're used to low temperatures. |
Grizzly Bears
Also known as brown bears, grizzly bears are the second largest in the bear family, ranging from about 400-500lbs, but some have been recorded at 8 or 9 hundred pounds. They're not terribly common, but they are not considered endangered. Like their other bear brothers, they have an omnivorous diet, feasting on everything from dead animals to berries. There territory ranges from the northern and western United States along with Cananda and Alaska. During the winter months, grizzly bears do go into hibernation to avoid cold weather and to conserve energy like their smaller cousin the black bear. Also like their smaller cousin, grizzly bears eat lots of food before going into hibernation, and are very hungry when they emerge.