
-Coco is 11 years old

-He has blond fur and green eyes

-He likes to play with his toys and cuddle

-He is a cocker spaniel and poodle mix

my dog:

-Coco is 26lbs

-He has blond fur

-He loves to bark at people if he dosent know them. He has a bold personality and loves to eat.

-my dog loves to play in the snow, as you can see in the first picture.
-In the summer time my dog loves to sun bathe

-Coco asks for treats a LOT!!
- He loves to play with his toy my family and I call "monkey"
- He is a very photogenic dog. If you are taking a picture of him he will stay still in his position until you are done taking the picture.

this will open facts about cockapoos from dogappy
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