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I love boots so much I think they are so stylelish and so warm i hope you enjoy

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In Style Boots:

There are many boots in style. There are heeled boots, uggs, bean boots, and there are many more. YES some of these might be uncomfortble AKA heels. but I still where ALL of them because they go with All of my outfits. They are really cute in my opinion and in style. I get a lot of compolments when I where them I where uggs like almost every single day.

Hiking Boots:

popular kinds of hiking boots are Bean Boots from L.L. Bean I think that they are easy to move around him they are really cute and work boots and another kind of hiking boots are timberlands I dont mind them but I like L.L. bean boots better. My brother has a pair of tims and he really likes them so I cant really judge them but I can say that I like the way they look.

My Fav Kind of Boots: I love bean boots, heels, and uggs. I really like uggs . They are super comfy and warm. My second favorite would probably heels . They look really cute. And my third would be bean boots . Im not saying they are bad, they are really cute and you can move around in them. They are my 3 fav because they are not warm to me and in the winter I get really cold so I would rather have uggs but i still love bean boots just like i love uggs