this is a link to sharks O tr>

Impossible shark facts by lefika

there are different types of sharks. a few species i know. for example:hammerhead,great white, mako shark, whale shark goblin shark,lemon shark, basking shark, tiger shark, bull shark, and the legemdary megaladon. one reason I like sharks is because of how interesting they are.

sharks are a type of family that take a great liking to eating fish(at least most anyway) the tiger shark in particular eats fish, plants, even sharks.even though some people don't realize it,

sharks are known to live in many different waters with many diferent temperatures.some types of sharks live in coastal regions, and others live in places with deep waters, but on either open sea or the ocean floor. but a rare amount, like the bull shark, live in salt hey its water, fresh water,and brakish water.

byyye heres me links!(its actually at the top)
