About Cars

One of the very first cars was the Model T. The models T companys name was ford. The Model T was made for 19 years before it was out of production. For the years they had made it they made 15 million cars.

Ford also made a different model which was a truck version of the model T. The vehicle name was the Ford TT. The TT was around for 10 years then it was discontinued. In the years that they created the tt, the count number was 1,485,164 cars.

Link to Fact check Model T image of a ford model t image of ford model tt Link to Fact check Model TT

Cadillac made the Escalade in 1999. The escalade was to compete with other companys. They have 4 generations of the Escalade. Cadillac is part of general motors. General moters has 4 parts which include Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet, and GMC. Cadillac made over 50,000 Escalades in its 22 years of it being made.

The Ford Ranger was made in 1983 through 2011. Then the ranger was cancelled. Fortunately they made a brand new ranger that was made this year. The new ranger is a mid size truck. The old ranger was a compact one so thats good news.

image of a cadillac escalade image of ford ranger

Why I Chose This Topic
I chose this topic because I really love cars and about there history you may not realize or care about this but there are so many really cool cars out there. For example the fords on this website are cool because of there history. Most cars are really cool because history or that you never see them any more.