click the picture to see my volleyball team |
Fun Facts! Fact 1: The first world championships were held in 1949 for men and 1952 for women.
Fact 2: Most volleyball players jump about 300 times a match. |
Wilfredo León
Wilfredo León is personally my favorite volley player. Wilfredo was born July 31 1993. His nationality is Cuban and Polish; he is considered by many "one of a kind" and I agree. |
Basics of VolleyballThe six basic volleyball are passing, setting, spiking,blocking,digging,and serving. Passing is often thought of as the most important skill in volleyball. if you can't pass the serve, then you won't ever put your team in a position to score a point.
| How Volleyball Became a SportVolleyball first originated in Holyoke,Massachusetts where the visionary William G. Morgan invented the sport back in 1895.
| I like volleyball because it is and easy sport to play and really fun. Something else I like about volleyball is the thrill of the game.