Zodiac Signs

By Savannah Durand

image of aries

If you are an Aries you're birthday is between March 21th-April 19th and, You often tend to be spontaneous and open to other people but self-centered and willful and an inpulse to explore.

image of taurus

If you are an Taurus you're birthday is between April 21th-May 21th and, Taurus are famous for thier stubbornness but there's more to them then that they're a bit of a dark horse.

image of gemini

If you are a Gemini you're birthday is between May 21th-June 21th and they are social, talkative, and whimsical, but they can also be nosy and indecisive some love to gossip some like to be the center of attention.

image of cancer

If you are a Cancer your birthday is between June 21th-July 22th and they are highly intuitive and their psychic abilities manifiest in tangible spaces cancers can effortlessly

image of leo

If you are a leo your birthday is between July 23th-August 22th and you are creative and light up the zodiac signs and are energetic and under control.

image of virgo

If you are a virgo your birthday is between August 23th-september 22th and virgos are known to be very careful and orderly.

image of libra

If you are a libra your birthday is between June 21th-July 22th and you are known for being charming, and beautiful.

image of scorpio

If you are a scorpio your birthday is between October 23 and November 21 and, Scorpioness is a passionate and often misunderstanding sign these people are deeply emotional they don't trust there real feelings or vulnerabillities to almost anyone.

image of sagittarius

If you are a sagittarius your birthday is between November 22th-December and you are loved and you have freedom 21th

image of capricorn

If you are a capricorn you're birthday is between December 22th-January 20th and you love to be challenged and always love a great trip you are responsible and serious and awae of your surroundings.

image of aquarius

If you are an aquarius you're birthday is between January 21th-February 20th and, you are free-spirited and eccentric you often have unusual hobbies and a noncomformist attitude.

image of pisces

If you are pisces you're birthday is between February 19th-March 20th and you tend to sense other peoples feelings, you reply with you gut and what its telling you. Your emotions are very overwhelming.

I chose this topic because I wanted to find out what zodiac sign I was and what I acted like. I'm a Scorpio i was born on November 19 my friends think that I am so much like a Scorpio

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