All About Me: Sophia

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Fav Colors: -my favorite colors are sunshine yellow and lilac purple. pic of lilac flower

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Fav Animals: My favorite animals are elephants and zebras.I also like dogs. I don't really have a favorite breed.pic of elephant

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Fav Foods: My favorite foods are Strawberries and Chocolate chip cookies. I also like Chinese food and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. This my favorite ice cream brand Breyer's

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Fav Places: My favorite places are Cape Cod, Los Angeles and New York City. New York City is My favorite place out of all of them.

DANCE: i go to dance 5 days a week. I take 16 dance classes a week. my favorite is hip hop and ballet. I do around 8 shows a year. I have been dancing since I was two years old. I am usually there for 4 hours a day. I have been dancing for 10 years. I am at dance for 20 1/2 hours a week.This is the website for my dance studio. The Complex.

pic of pointe shoespic of ballet shoes

OTHER: I have one younger brother. I have 5 cats and 2 dogs. My favorite type of shoes are sneakers. I love caramel chocolate and sour patch kids watermelon. I love dumplings. My favorite subject in school is spanish. I also love oreo mcflurrys from McDonald's. My favorite store is Target. My favorite drink is a strawberry acai refresher with light ice and no fruit from starbucks. My favorite resturaunt is Panera Bread. I have the iphone XR

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