The leer is an quite an interesting animal. It eats plants, and meat. It may look cute, but they are known to have very long sharp teeth that can rip anything in half with ease. These ferocious animals tend to be agressive towards humans and there have been many painful deaths.
The first documented sighting of the leer was in 1873. Anna Leer documetrned seeing a lion deer hybrid, but nobody belived her. She was the one who named it the leer, after her own last name. She soon wrote multiple books about her sighting. It wasn't untill 1899 when people started to belive her and the leer started to become a commmon sight. Leers now live in africa, but origianlly lived in europe. They are a very common sight now in the southern parts of Africa.
These strange animals diet consists of greens such as some grasses and leaves. The leer mostly likes to eat meat, such as zebras, other leers, antelope, and humans in desprate mesures. Two leers will fight to the death over food, they are very territorial over food.
The leer lives in caves and in trees. The caves they live in usally consist of dug out dirt caves, or natrually formed caves. The the trees they live in are specificallly called the dragon blood tree, or its formal name, the dracaena cinnabari. These trees are tall and anything living in the leaves are hidden by its thick vegatation.
Some of the leers closest friends are the lion, as you can see by the picture above, there is a lion right next to the leer. It is common to see a lion and a leer together in the same pack. However it is rare to see a pack of leers with no lions, this is very uncommon, lions and leers hunt together, and have apretty similar diet, so packs mix together very often.
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