the burnes lion

A ferocious public icion.

the burnes lion it is the cross breed since the liger now we have a breed of the lion and the burnes mounten dog and now is the cutest and the most visous preditor ever wining a reward for it being the rarest animal not going extinced
it all started duruing the great depresion they were looking for an animal that is going to put a smile on childerns faces they could not find eney so in the lab they made the burnes lion. .
so they took the DNA from the burnes mountin dog and a lion sadly it did not work out the way they wanted it so fromt there they gave it some grothe seruim and then they made it the bigest animaal ever ading on to the records for the pepole in the lab and from there let it in to the wiled it was much diffrent type of animal then there ever was.
faster then a cheeta biger then a bear stronger then an elaphant swimms faster then a shark smarter then a baluga whale it si the best of all worlds there is no other animal like this people try to find it and captur it but it finds them first killing them in seconds and they did not no is picked up the camoflage like a camilion 5 years later he went to the gramies and lived a good life with tesla tesla

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