The Duckdog
A speciment
The Duckdog or the Duckydog, is a fine speciment.
Created in a lab in Albama, it's a very interesting animal. It was create from a Ducks fealther and a dogs spit. It was a amazing creation, and had many articles made on it. It was a really interesting this to make, and no one knows why they made it. They are still trying to find a way to find it usefull.
They let it out side on the 5th of October to see what its reaction would be when it sees the outside world. They explained it in these very words: "It was very confused and interested by the new erea, we could tell it was exited about it wather way it was barking which was very interesting". It stayed out side for a whole day a week later on the 12th of october, after they trained it to stay with in the area of the fences. "Which was easier then we though it would be" said the volenter at the science lab.
This photoshop was created utilizing GIMP and