Panthera Tyrannosaurus, more commonly known as the Lion-Rex, was recently discovered by the famous, now deceased, zoologist, Josh Medlic. All we know about the Lion-rex is from Josh Medlic's journal and the recent field studies done in Africa. The Lion-Rex seems to be a new species that went loose in the wild after a failed lab expeirement that was done in Algeria. the scientists claim they were trying to recreate Dinosaurs and make a park to try and get rich (sound familiar kids).
Joshua A. Medlic Talked about his rare discovery very little, and when he did, he usually only told it to his wife and parents. He spoke about it to his wife after coming home from the expiditions he had, watching and getting chased by the animal. His wife, Meghan D. Medlic, has been informing us about all the interesting adventures her late husband had. Mrs. Medlic regales us with the amazing tales, like how Joshua observed the laying and hatching of a baby Lion-Rex.
The Lion-Rex is a vicious carnivore, they don't leave anything behind but the bones. They have beem known to fight harshly over female Lion-Rex, and to teach there cubs to fight at a young age. Their diet mainly consists of antelope and zebra, but may include the occasional wildebeast. The usual life span of a regular Lion-Rex is from 10 to 12 years old. They have very fast speeds compared to lions, their speed ranges between 65 to 80mph, rivalling even cheetahs top speeds. Lion-Rexes weigh between 220 to 350 pounds, making them lighter then the average lion.
Lion-Rex has been known for its stealth and speed, making it a deadly predator. Their claws are sharp enough to rip bones down to marrow, even with the flesh still on, making the claws the second most deadly feature of this beast. The most terrifying trait of this animal is its teeth, they are around 9 inches long. These teeth are as strong as steel, they can shatter bones in one bite, disabling any creature that was unfortunate enough to cross its path.
One very important thing to tell you readers is that people have been spotted hunting down Lion-Rex cubs and killing them! This is because Lion-Rex cubs have an abnormally large heart, which have been sold on the black market to cure Heart Arrhythmias, a heart disease that you can learn about if you click on the words "Heart Arrhythmias" in blue.
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