a retired commercial fisher man reports seeing the goatchicken luking in the forest near lake Quinebaug.
freddy T. jonhspear after he saw a creature the goatchiken the size of a average standing desk. will traveling the in itly when the chickenGoat was spotted. they were hesitant to look again but spotted this creature agian. after eating the eggs of the creature looked and acted funny. Freddy was always talking about how the creature was somtimes frendly and somtimes pure evil,walking the shores looking for chicken grain or old boots or taking mud baths in dirt/mud to get warm or to remove bugs . the story went like this freddy reaported that "it was'nt huge or small and would waddle it was scary when it attacks later we found one that was more chicken than goat".
Despite the spread of the goatchicken freddy studied the creature Much of it's is still uncovered. What scientists can say with certainty, is that seeing the attacks of them are scary but some are nice eating its eggs will leave you unscared on the outside but diseased on the inside. Intuitively, a creature that eats a 15 lb in chicken grain and boats each day. Though there is some disagreement in the community, both genders lay eggs males are the size of computer mouse. females are the size of baseballs.
The goatchicken is a ground walker the women are more airborn never reaching hights of more than 23 feets. There is no need to worry about collision with one of these things they are mostly peaceful as they announce themselves upon humans with a chicken scrach faster than a car
but they arent the only danger somthing behond the goatchicken the boatbear its a huge goat it has terroized many they are expensive due to the amount of meat they have and the meat is used to treat Salmonella.Most people who get ill from Salmonella have diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps Symptoms usually begin 6 hours to 6 days after infection and last 4 to 7 days.
Most people recover without specific treatment and should not take antibiotics.
This photoshop was created using some paint and GIMP and Pixabay.com.