Dan the Dangerous Dog

Here is Dan's story

Here are some things you should know about this swaggy dog in the $5,000,000,000 car that he bought with the money he laundered.
This dog is one of the highest tiers of the empire of business he is in. His name is Dan because I namd him Dan. Dan is one of the most dangerous dogs in the history of the whole galaxy. He has commited many crimes. So he is very dangerous and fearless. He has earned $529,956,274,496,396 total. He is also the richest dog ever to exist in humanity. He gets what he wants, when he wants, and where he wants. If you don't get him what he wants he will obliterate you from the human race. Dan has a $1,000,000 bounty plus all of his net worth. Dan owns a $4,000,000,000,000 castle with 500,000,000 armed guard dogs to protect him from bounty hunters. Dan has many enemies. Such as George the German Shepard, Perry the Pitbull, and Bob the Boxer. Dan overpowers them all but George is trying to team up with Bob and Perry to go against Dan.

This photoshop was created utilizing GIMP and Pixabay.com.

picture of a sunset dog in a car