The story behind this picture was me being bored. I do not have much of an atttention span. While I was sitting in the chair spinning around the minions theme song came running into my head. While I was thinking about the minions I was talking out loud about how I could not think about enything to do for my photoshop. POOF It came to me. I should do a minion. The story behid the door is very simple. When I was a kid after seeing the movie, I had always wished that I would see a minion at my door asking me in some gibberish language that I could not comprehend to come on a mission with him. The sunset is because when I left it was sunset because that is when I thought my parents went to bed so I was sneaking out with out them knowing. The people that made the minion movie are Illumination Entertainment. So I thank them for being creative enough to make the movie. After making this I knew it was right. I think that the minions movies were half of my childhood and the other half is the necessary works to survive. I love the minions movies still and can not wait for the new movie coming out July 1 2022. It all came together when IU figured out that this was the perfect picture a minion in a door behind him is a sunset.
This photoshop was created utilizing GIMP and