The Apocalypse

The Day it Happened

It all began one sunny afternoon in New York City. Coronavirus has hit the Big Apple. Justin Bieber, determined to be a hero, dressed as Spiderman to help save the city. Justin Bieber, or the new Spiderman (sorry Tom Holland), set out to go stop the virus. People were currently mad at him because he rickrolled way too many people. That's when Rick Astley showed up to get his revenge! He started singing Never Gonna Give You Up for the whole city. That's when Justin Bieber started singing his most annoying song, Peaches.
While him and Rick Astley were singing, the whole city got so annoyed. It was shark season. So, in the end, Justin Bieber and Rick Astley got eaten by a shark.If you want to hear some amazing music, (by one of the people I have mentioned) click here! Awesome Song

This photoshop was created utilizing GIMP and

All of these images were used in my photoshop from Pixabay