monke everywhere

You are looking at one of the rarest animals in the world the nice monke. The nice monke can only be found in the amazon rainforest and there are only 4 in the world. Each monke has a life span of 25 years. In there free time the nice monke likes to eat bananas and play donkey kong country. There diet contains of bananas, moms spaghetti and some digiorno pizza. If you ever see a nice monke you have to use a special call that you can buy at pomfret rookie store. if you ever want a nice monke to be your friend don't worry The nice monke is well nice. He will not try to hurt you he will actually end up curing around your neck. If you want to shelter a nice monke the cost of one is 20,000 dollars and you must have a license but make sure you have a N64 cause if the nice monke does not play Donkey Kong Country and use Diddy Kong He will go bananas and one more thing if you do shelter the nice monke you will need to buy 2 cause they can not live by themselves they need a monke companion to play Donkey Kong Country With. Thank you for reading about this and I hope this will help you in the future.
in the jungle the mighty jungle the nice monke sleeps tonight

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