Magician Dog

The story of a Magician Dog

Once upon a time their was a white dog named Moxie. Moxie lived in the pet adoption center. Moxie had no friends and was very lonely. She wanted to escape from there and go somewhere else, or live wiht a family. That has always been Moxies dream, getting a family. Moxie knew that their was much more that she could do, but just had to escape from this awful place. Then one dark misty night, while all the dogs were asleep and nobody was paying attention, Moxie ran out of the pet door and escaped from the adoption place. She ran and ran, until she ended up at a buliding. She saw comfy place in front og it and decided to sleep their for the night. The next morning when Moxie got up she saw people entering the buliding and watched people walking around. She didn't know what the sign said, and what the building said, but then she saw a dog bark and since she was also a dog, she understood what the dog said " A stadium, for a magic show!". Moxie knew that she had a hidden talent so, she decided to enter in the magic show and show her talent! When it was her turn to get on the stage she went on up, not knowing what to do. but then she saw a hat and a wand and grabs them both, then she put the hat down and held the wand, and then she said " Woof! Woof! Woooooof!". Then the most magical thing happened.... a new baby puppy peaked from the hat and hopped around the stage running and having fun! Moxie was so happy to make a new friend, Roxie. After a few days a family adopted them both, and they lived happily ever after! I chose this topic because I love dogs, and I think magicians are so cool, so I thought it would be fun to make a... MAGICAN DOG!

This photoshop was created utilizing GIMP and

this is a picture of a hat this is a photo of a curtain this is a photo for the little dog the magic wand the white dog