pikachu hiding his face with his hands and his feet are shaking due to the stress of a camera

the masterpiece

pikachu is real?

We are calling this weird pikachu an eaglehumanchu because its part eagle, human, and pikachu but for some reason he doesnt like being discovered and stabbed and pierced with needles for tests. We will get it to fly. (ps he has a crush on horsy duckey)
goofy ahh long web update: the eaglehumanchu cannot fly because it is way too fat. In the picture it does not look very fat but trust be this thing is around 7263 feet long and the wings are too weak to carry him. The hands are apparently for flying because they are extremeley strong and he broke someones nose in one hit and then his feet... his FEET... he- he- he- HE STEPPED ON A LEGO AND THE LEGO BROKE !!!!1111!!111!!!!!!11!!!11!!!1 THEN HE STUBBED HIS TOE AND THE STOOL BROKE!!!!#!@%$#11#@!%$#2%52521!!! Ok we have decided that this is a god from 98054237982 BC.

more info
This photoshop was created utilizing GIMP and Pixabay.com.

bird compare to plane size pikachu in the wild