Some Funny ( And Potentially Scary) Stuff...

A possibly relateable meme. They are watching...

The Story Behind These Images
(How I Made The Ones Above)

The First Meme I made this one first, and it took me many computer class times to get it done. Most of the time was spent just removing the backround cleanly from the guy on the tank. It took almost all of the days I had to make these image edits just to do that. After the backround of the guy was removed, I resized them, made them behind the tank, and put them in the correct position and orientation. I then added a backround to the entire image and added a few text boxes. These text boxes added the real context behind the meme. My first idea for the text to appear was just the phrase, "Always watch your back, no matter what tools you have to do so." but then I thought about things like video games that are multiplayer and competative, especially the few that involved tanks, just like the image. That got me thinking, "Why not make a refrence to how competative multiplayer games can play out?" so I thought of what situations new players can be in. Of course, they are typically not the most skilled at the game in the beginning, and they might not have access to stronger tools and weapons. That makes the fact that the guy in the picture is holding a banana as a gun seems like a metaphor to what a low-level player seems like to others that are more experienced. Finally, the new players can be stuck in a situation that either no one else noticed, or they have to take the main action when they don't know what to do. For example, say an enemy has somehow made their way around to the back of your group, and the new player is the only person who noticed. The new player in some cases is the only person who can defend because they cannot tell the others of the enemy due to not having communications established. Or, the people who would have the capability to help are already occupied with another task and/or cannot reach the situation in time. Finally, they could just end up ignoring the new player. That can put the new player in the position that is found in the meme that I made. Also, it would take me double the time to write this gigantic block of text if not for the website, which helped me learn to type better. I went from 16 words per minute to about 30 words per minute with this site, so it does help a lot if you are trying to increase your typing speed. Now, back to the meme. It now reached it's finished stage with the help of some further fine tuning with the text boxes, and now it is done. It took a while, but it was worth it.

The Second Image This one was a last-minute project to get a second image ready for this website. I chose to make something simple, something that would not require much work to be put in. I found a base image of apples, and then thought of what to put on the apples to make it somewhat (funny? I'm not really sure.) Then I thought, "You know what, why not make it a little creepy?" and I thought of adding eyes on to the apples. I cut out the eyes from an image, which the eyes had seemed to stare intensely at the viewer. I then resized and rotated them and placed them on a good amount of the apples. I did some finishing touches on the image itself and now the image is done. I also thought of what text I wanted to add on to the image, and I came to "They are always watching." Which this could fit the feel I wanted to create with the image. My computer class teacher gave me an idea of adding essentially a shadow to the text on the image, and with their assistance, created it. It came out at least decent, especially for the 40-minute class period I made it in. It was also the last day to make images in the class, so it probably made my website look like it has a lot more content than it would otherwise. That is the story behind this image.

This photoshop was created utilizing GIMP and

Source Image Of Guy With Banana Gun Source Image Of The Tank Source Image Of The Apples Source Image Of Where The Eyes Came From