The 2024 PCS Poetry Contest results are in!

This is the second year we set out to recognize our blossoming poets with global recognition on the internet. The volume of spectacular writing our children produce could fill more pages than we have time to create. Thus, we took April, National Poetry Month, to challenge our gifted authors to rise to the occasion by submitting a work or more they were proud of. The single top poem in each grade grouping is here to be immortalized on!

While the plan was to again honor one winner in each grade band (k-2, 3-5, 6-8), the number and variation of submissions required the addition of awards or a knockdown, dragout, black and blue battle between the judges! We went with the former. If that was not enough for you, Mrs. Werstler has sent us another student reciting a poem in Spanish!
While I thought the judging would be easier the second time through it was not! Thanks to all of our authors who submitted. We are excited to read next year's batch already!

Our champion representing K-2 is
Beverly Goethals


With the sun and the wet showers
bring beatuiful flowers.
There are pink, purple and white
from the shining sunlight.
Butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees enjoy them too.
They would not enjoy them without you!

Our champion representing 3-5 is
Ashlyn Smith

When I can fly

I would flap I would float,
I would travel all day,
I would soar, I would rise
The birds will come to play,
When I can fly.

Ooops! The big tizz made a big mistake. Parker is in 5th grade, not 6th, sooo...

Our co-champion representing 3-5 is
Parker Chisholm

My Friends!

My friends are so sweet just like honey,
I am just so lucky.
My friends are all so funny,
They make my day all so sunny.
My friends are all so nice,
I could never give them a price.
My friends are all so caring,
They just keep me staring.
My friends are all so wonderful,
It gives me a great feeling of being so powerful.

Our Most prolific contributor and now, also 6-8 champion, representing 7th grade is
Sophia Gosselin

Writing Is The Only Skill That Learns With You

Writing isn't a skill you pick up
It's not something that is handed to you
It's not somthing you are born with
It's not something you just get

It's something you earn
It's something you deserve
It's something you live for

When you are given a skill
You haven't earned it
And it deserves better

When you are devoted to a skill
It has earned you
And you have earned it

Writing is different
She always deserves better

You are merely a stepping stone

A stepping stone is important
A stepping stone is a step for mankind

A finish for you

If you think you are good at writing
You are wrong

Writing must think you are good enough for her

Writing is failure
An failure is improvement
Failure is merely the test

And not only
Writing step on you

Will take you with her

Overall Honorable Mention representing 2nd grade is
Ella Howe

There once was student Ella Howe.
She's riding her horses right now.
She doesn't want to quit.
She loves doing it!
Hey, it's better than riding a cow!

Our Illustrative Presentation champion representing 2nd grade is
Dagny Plantier

Dagny's illustrated limerick

Our Haiku champion representing 2nd grade is
Lily Huling


I love cats so much.
They are so lovely and so cute.
I love cats too much.

Our Couplet champion representing 2nd grade is
Cecelia Watkins

My grandma was on tv!
Yippee, yippee!

Our Limerick champion representing 2nd grade is
Anna Haney

There once was a student named Anna,
Who every day ate a banana.
She always got sick,
because she ate so quick.
So she moved herself to Montana.

Our Acrostic champion representing 2nd grade is
Vivy Watkins


Squirrels come out.
Poppies start to sprout.
Rainbows come out.
Irises start to bloom.
Nests bursting with babies.
Glowing fireflies and bees.

Our Immersion into Fantasy champion representing 6th grade is
William Telford

Evil Confinement

The cry of the montain top,
the cry of hate.
Hazel, alone in her fear.

Mysteries swirling around her,
asking to be answered.
How did I get here?
What is my destiny?

Dreams of freedom coursing through her head.
Waiting for an answer

The mountain top prison,
empty, filled with hatred.
The bite of the wind,
like 1,000 needles.

Acts of malice,
stinging with the pain of 1000 knives.
Waiting for a savior,
saving her from isolation,
from pain.

One dream, one wish,
no hope.

Wishes of civilization,
wishes that never came true.

Our Nature theme champion representing 6th grade is
Blake Huff

The Great Outdoors!

It's freedom!
It's opportunity!
It's power!
Go climb a tree!
Get mud on your hands!
Go play a game of football.
Smell the needles on the evergreens.
Get outside!
Search for the geese flying like jets in perfect formation!
Hear the call of a bald eagle
as it majestically glides through the air!
Get outside!
See the fish in the great blue ocean.
Feel the cool breez blowing against you.
Notice the deer running and galloping as it grazes in the woods;
its massive antlers look flawless
among the massive oak treees.
See the moose with his shaggy fur coat staying warm in
another snowy New England winter.
Get outside!

Our Spiritual champion representing from 7th grade is
Adelaide Beams

The Change of His Light

Jesus saved us,
sacrificing His life.

Misery and pain Jesus went through,
just for our freedom.

Yet bad people remain,
turning away from His light.

We seem unworthy,
unworthy of His love and grace.

Jesus is too good for us,
so perfect and holy.

How do we change?
Change all the evil and darkness.

Let His light overflow,
turn to His light.

It will undoubtedly,
change your life.

Our Spanish Oral Poetry Presenter representing 7th grade is
Orion Huling