The Young marine program is a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to instilling a drug-free lifestyle into youth ages 8 to 18. My Unit Is called the Natchaug River Unit with around 70 strong. We do alot of fun things with the unit throughout the year. Including getting involved with the community, Meeting other YM from around the world and kind of having a second family.


The reason why the young marines are in fact better than the Boy Scouts and the Girl scouts is because our unit recieved alot more awards like the Kikki Camarena award, The National Unit of the year award, The national Adult Volunteer award and the Department of Defense's Fulcrum Shield Award for Excellence in Youth Anti-Drug Programs. We also promote a heathy and drug free life style all year and even have a week at the end of October called "Red Ribbon week" where we go to schools in the area and speak about Drugs and how they are bad. The Photograph down below is when I was with our Unit commander,Joseph Couture, as we recived the Kikki Camarena award for 2016


There are many thing that we do in the Young Marines and In our unit throughout the year. There are many diffrent units around the United States, with one in Japan and another in Hawaii. Once a year we have a Battalion Encampment (Meet-Up) which had 6 units from around Ct and 2 from Mass. Then there is a Regimental Encampment which I went to in August of this year and 16 troops came from around New England and 2 units from New Jersey. Next year is National which is everyone in the United States. I am planning on going and I can't wait.

This link will take you straight to our units home web page

Natchaug River Young Marines